TEC Software Power Email Verifier v4.1 英文正式版(E-mail郵件軟體)
每小時可以檢查50,000 個目標郵件。對大的E-mail地址文件也能對付.
Power Email Verifier can check your email lists for valid emails. It
can import large lists with no problem. Uses multithreading to verify
emails at a very fast rate.
Simulates the sending of email without sending any messages. Power
Email Verifier supports the following file formats: delimited, text,
csv - windows address book, and over 7 mail list formats.
Power Email Verifier can verify 50,000 email addresses per hour. It can
easily handle large address files with no problem. Just select the
email address file that you want to verify and click the start button
and Power Email Verifier takes care of the rest.
Verified email records are saved in the same format that they are
imported in. Program comes completely pre-configured, just load list
and go!
500 MG RAM, 1500 Mhz Pentium Equiv, .NET Framework 2.0
TEC Software Power Email Collector v3.3 英文正式版(郵件軟體)
Gmail Alarm and Alert For New Email Software v7.0 英文正式版(Gmail電子郵件軟體)
eMail Verifier v3.2 英文正式版(eMail地址驗證工具軟體)
Kristanix Software Email Sender Deluxe v1.62 英文豪華版(電子郵件群發軟體)
Kristanix Software Email Sender Deluxe v2.0 英文正式版(電子郵件群發軟體)
Kristanix Software Email Sender Deluxe v1.5 英文正式版(電子郵件群發軟體)
Kristanix Software Email Sender Deluxe v1.1 英文正式版(電子郵件群發軟體)